Well, the bloggers wanted some credibility…here it is! Big thanks to Ed Stetzer and the guys at NAMB for putting this on for us.
Ed Stetzer, Tim Bagwell, and John Avant are planning to lead a conference call for SBC bloggers heading to Greensboro who want to hear about the SBC/Greensboro Younger Leader Meeting and the NAMB Missional Network. This will be open to the first 20 bloggers who email Tim Bagwell (tbagwell@namb.net), the NAMB Director of the soon-to-be-launched Missional Network. You can email him at tbagwell@namb.net. The conference call will be held 2 p.m. Eastern on May 30th.
Jim, I somehow landed on your blog this morning. Congrats on the new addition and may God bless you as you serve through church planting.