Can’t Sleep

It’s about 20 minutes past midnight and I can’t seem to fall asleep. Now, I know that for some of you, 12:20 AM is actually still pretty early; not for me. I’m an “early-to-bed, early-to-rise” kind of guy.

Tonight, I’m having trouble sleeping. Believe it or not, it has nothing to do with any of my children keeping me awake. Truth be told, I can’t really complain because I rarely have trouble getting rest. And with three kids ages three and under that’s a pretty big accomplishment!

For some reason tonight, I just had the overwhelming urge to get out of bed, read my Bible and pray. At the risk of sounding “unspiritual,” this doesn’t happen to me a lot. I like to read my Bible, pray, memorize Scripture and read other books during the normal hours of the day. But tonight, God has just burdened me.

I’m burdened for my family. Not because anything is bad or wrong, but because if I don’t pray for my wife and my kids, who will? If I’m not the priest of my home that God calls me to be then I’ve failed at my most important job in life!

I’m burdened for my church. Again, not because anything is bad or out of place, but simply because God has given me a huge responsibility to “shepherd the flock of God.” This is a privilege that I absolutely love and enjoy, but it comes with great responsibilities and duties.

I’m burdened for me. I don’t want to settle in my life; in any part of my life. I don’t want to settle for a mediocre marriage. I thank God for my relationship with my wife and treasure her as a precious gift from God. I don’t want to settle for a casual, cursory relationship with my kids. I want to be a huge influence in their lives for the cause of Christ. I don’t want to settle in my ministry. Being a pastor is one of the highest honors of my life and I will never be satisfied with the status quo. I love my church and thank God for the opportunity to serve Him at Crosspointe.

Simply put, I want everything that God has for me in every area of my life. I want to do everything I can to accomplish all that I can for God with the time that He has given me upon this earth. Life is too short, the stakes are too high and eternity is too long to let one more moment slip by.

Big Things This Spring

I am really excited about how God is moving in our church. And I really believe the best is yet to come. Here are just a few things coming soon that I’m really looking forward to…

1. Our new Worship Pastor, Zach Thomas, begins leading worship at Crosspointe this Sunday! We prayed long and hard to find God’s man for this spot and I’m thankful God sent us Zach. You won’t want to miss Zach’s first Sunday as he leads our congregation and choir in worship. It’s going to be great!

2. Our sermon series is going great right now. We started a vision series in January entitled, “i LOVE my church…come see why!” We set up a website,, that goes along with our series. We’re selling yard signs for $10 that we put in our yards with the site on it. We’re hoping to create a buzz with this campaign and also to remind the people of Crosspointe and our community that there is something to love about our church!

3. Our Men’s Conference is just a few weeks away (February 1st and 2nd) and I’m honored to have my Dad as the speaker. This is going to be a great weekend for our men. I’ve had several ladies get upset with me because they can’t go to the Men’s Conference but…the good news is Dad will preach for us on Sunday, February 3rd. Make sure to invite your friends and family because it will be a great Sunday for our church.

4. On March 9th, we have nationally known evangelist and speaker, Bill Stafford, coming for a one-day revival. You may have heard Bill speak before or maybe you haven’t, but you won’t want to miss it for sure! This will be our High Attendance Day at Crosspoitne as well so if you’re anywhere near Millington, mark it down and plan to be here with some of your friends.

Like I said, we’ve got a lot of big things planned at Crosspointe for the first few months of the year. I just pray that God continues to move in our church in an awesome way. I really believe the best days are before us…we just need to be faithful to Christ, no matter what!

Coming soon…

We’ve got A LOT of awesome stuff planned for the beginning of ’08 (more on this later). The spring will be big for us at Crosspointe. I announced one big step we’re taking just after the new year…we’ve got a Worship Pastor coming!

If you’re a member of Crosspointe, don’t miss Sunday, December 23rd. We’ll introduce our new Worship Pastor on that day and he will begin after the new year. I’m excited about the future of Crosspointe! God continues to put the pieces of the puzzle together and He is preparing us for great things.

Check out our new website!

Jon Kenney, our Director of Technology and Media at Crosspointe, did an excellent job on the new website. One of my first priorities when I came to Crosspointe was to upgrade and update our website and Jon did a great job! We’re still putting all of the pieces together and gathering information but you can see the overall look and it’s awesome.

I believe that this is one of the first steps in reestablishing the foundation here and rebuilding our image in our community and beyond. You may think it’s small, but you would be amazed at how many people view your website and form an opinion of you and your church from their first “cyber-glance.” I’m thankful we now we can make a good first impression for those who view us on the web.

The Golden Compass

For those of you out there who are parents and enjoy attending the occasional movie with you kids; here’s one I would definitely not recommend. Watch out for the new movie called “The Golden Compass.

I’ll be the first to tell you that I’ve not done a ton of research on this, but the guy who wrote it, Philip Pullman, desired to counter C.S. Lewis’ “Chronicles of Narnia.” (Disclaimer…I’m about to spoil the end of this movie if you desire to watch it.) Supposedly, in the end of the movie God dies and everyone is freed from His tyranny and injustice. The point is to reveal that life is so much better when there is no God.

Now believe me, I am not one to be constantly warning about the dangers of anything that doesn’t contain blatantly Christian themes. I am, however, very concerned when I see atheistic propaganda in the form of a “children’s movie.”

Check out the link here for’s take on the movie. (For those of you who might be unfamiliar with, it is a website that helps you determine the validity of rumors such as computer viruses, forwards and all sorts of other things.)