Believe it or not, this quote of the day is from Judd, not Jake. Although he only knows a handful a words, this quote is priceless.
One of Judd’s favorite words is “Da-Da.” In fact, he said “Da-Da” a long time before he ever said “Ma-Ma” but of course he still loves his mommy very much. Lately, I’v been asking Judd questions like, “Who’s your favorite?” He answers, “Da-Da.” And, “Who’s boy are you?” He answers “Da-Da.” In fact, the very first time I asked this question that was his response.
Stephanie was just reading a book to the boys about the Bible and I’m assuming it talked about Romans 3:23. So, she asks the question, “Who’s a sinner?” And, you can already tell where this one’s headed…Judd’s immediate answer is, “Da-Da.” I wonder if he and his mother have been practicing that one for a while.
Alright then, I guess I need to go repent now. My one year old has no questions about whether or not I’m a sinner. I mean, of course I’m a sinner; I was just hoping it wasn’t that obvious to him yet. 🙂