Quote of the Day

Believe it or not, this quote of the day is from Judd, not Jake. Although he only knows a handful a words, this quote is priceless.

One of Judd’s favorite words is “Da-Da.” In fact, he said “Da-Da” a long time before he ever said “Ma-Ma” but of course he still loves his mommy very much. Lately, I’v been asking Judd questions like, “Who’s your favorite?” He answers, “Da-Da.” And, “Who’s boy are you?” He answers “Da-Da.” In fact, the very first time I asked this question that was his response.

Stephanie was just reading a book to the boys about the Bible and I’m assuming it talked about Romans 3:23. So, she asks the question, “Who’s a sinner?” And, you can already tell where this one’s headed…Judd’s immediate answer is, “Da-Da.” I wonder if he and his mother have been practicing that one for a while.

Alright then, I guess I need to go repent now. My one year old has no questions about whether or not I’m a sinner. I mean, of course I’m a sinner; I was just hoping it wasn’t that obvious to him yet. 🙂

Great Weekend!

Man, this was a really great weekend! It started on Friday afternoon with a 1:00 PM date with my wife. As you might deduce from the earlier post, we went and saw the new Narnia movie, “Prince Caspian.” It was great! I’m not a huge movie fan but I’m also not a critic. This is a trilogy we will definitely own when it’s all said and done. Great movie…and Stephanie and I had a great time together on our date.

Sunday was incredible at Crosspointe! God has been moving in our church in awesome ways and I’m just thankful to be a part of it. We had several people saved in our service yesterday and God really moved in a powerful way. I am excited about what’s coming up for our church. The fall is going to usher in some big changes for us but we will be positioned to really impact our community and reach families like never before.

I think this great weekend was just a preview of things to come. David Ring will be with us this coming Sunday and even though it’s Memorial Day Weekend, this should be a huge day for our church. Our people love David Ring and God always uses him in great ways.

I’m thankful for a great weekend and excited about all that God has in store for us as we continue to move forward.

Movie Time

These days it seems like Stephanie and I get to go see a movie about once a decade. I hear there are some really cool movies out there, but it just seems impossible to make it. Most of the time when we go on a date we go out to eat and hang out for a little while. It’s nice to talk to each other without a three year old asking a million questions, a one year old grunting and screaming or a newborn crying. And here’s the truth, while I enjoy movies, it doesn’t give us much opportunity to talk to each other and…they’re so expensive these days!

There’s an unexpectedly long intro to say something very simple. Stephanie and I are going to a move on Friday! I can’t wait. We love “The Chronicles of Narnia.” and the new one, “Prince Caspian” will be in theaters on Friday. While we got to go on an AWESOME date last Friday, I’m really looking forward to this week’s movie date. We choose our movies very carefully because it’s such an infrequent occurrence.

And, I must say here, mad props to Mema, Stephanie’s mom, who has been with us this week and will help us out with the kids while we venture out of baby-world for a few hours.

Quote of the Day

Okay, here’s another one. These just seem to keep on coming!

The other day I was sitting at the kitchen table with Jake. We were talking about God, Jesus, the Bible and all sorts of theology. It was a blast. We were discussing heaven and he asked, “Is heaven way far away in the sky?” I said, “Yes, Jake, heaven is very far away. And who is in heaven?” He said, “God…and Jesus…” “That’s right Jake!” I said, “and who else is in heaven?”

He asks me, “Is Alan Jackson in heaven too?”

Okay, a little background here. There’s a CD that we’ve been listening to in Stephanie’s car for years now it seems. It’s the Alan Jackson CD that has all sorts of hymns on it. Whenever Judd was really fussy in the car, we would turn it to, “Are You Washed in the Blood” and “I’ll Fly Away.” Judd would quiet down…and he still LOVES it. Now, Jake sings along. I guess because Alan Jackson sings about heaven, Jake thought he was already there. Pretty funny!

Quote of the Day

I was just sitting here playing on the computer with Jake and here’s what he asked me:

“Are you old Daddy? Are you old like Papa Benny?”

Papa Benny is Stephanie’s step-dad and he visited us for a little while with Ms. Dawn right after Anna Kate was born. I’m sure that Benny must have said something to Jake about being old while he was here and that’s where Jake came up with the question. Still, it’s hilarious isn’t it!?!?