Three years old…

Wow! It’s hard to believe it, but yesterday, Jake turned three years old. My how time flies! I was amused by some of his questions; included here for your entertainment and amusement:

First, “Daddy, now that I’m three do you still tell me what to do?” He was really interested to find out if we never going to discipline him again!

Second, “Am I big like you and mommy now?” We’ve been telling him that he’s such a big boy so now I guess he thinks he’s grown up!

Third, and probably the funniest, “When do I get to be 2 again?” He had to move from the crib into his “big boy” bed yesterday. We’ve been building this up for a while because he loved his crib! So, I think he was wondering if there was ever a time where he got to move back into the crib.

Funny kids! I love it.

Playing with trains…

Believe it or not, one of the most important things I do in any given day is play with trains. I know that sounds crazy…and it creates a very humorous mental picture. I can see some of you picturing me on the floor in my bedroom hanging out with Thomas the Tank Engine and all of his friends. BUT, what I mean is this…one of the most important things I do is spend time with my (soon to be) three year old boy doing something that he enjoys.

I’ll admit, it’s tough sometimes after I’ve had a long day; sometimes playing with trains is not at the top of my list. But it’s usually close to the top of Jake’s list. And I want to be the kind of dad that spends time with his kids, doing what they enjoy. Call me crazy or naive, but I hope and pray that this pays major dividends down the road. My boys (and girl to be) will know that their dad loves them because he’s willing to build a track and push the train through the tunnel. Jake may think we’re just playing with trains, but I hope it’s more than that. I hope I making deposits and investments in his life now that will produce amazing results down the road.

What now?

Here’s a link to Stephanie’s post about our new addition due in April! We are certainly excited about having a girl, but it leads me to one HUGE question: What now?!?!

Truth be told, I am a bit nervous about having a girl. We know how to have boys in the Perdue household (in fact, we’ve got a couple already) but I have no clue what to do with a girl! I’m not that great with dolls, dress-up, tea parties and pink.

And, while we are really excited, we also have no idea what to call her. Here’s your chance…to those of you in the blogosphere, any good names for a girl?

Two for the Price of One

Two funny stories that remind me why I’m so excited we’re having another baby:

1. We’ve tried real hard to teach Jake about God and all the great things that God can do. So, every time it rains I ask Jake, “who makes it rain?” and he answers, “God” (try to teach him the small things and build to the young earth theory of creationism a bit later). Anyway, the other night Jake and I were walking home from our neighbors after dropping off a Christmas gift. It was sprinkling a bit outside but nothing really bad. All of a sudden, Jake screams out, “Stop it God, Stop it!!!” I asked him immediately, “what’s wrong buddy?” He said, “I’m telling God to make the rain stop; I don’t like it.” Very funny!

2. We’ve also tried to teach Jake about the real meaning of Christmas. Of course, we’ve told him the story of the manger, the shepherds, the wise men, Mary and Joseph and all the good stuff. So, on the way to church Sunday morning I quizzed Jake on what the Bible taught about baby Jesus. Here’s what he said; “Jesus was boring in a manger.” I guess his mom taught him that after one of my sermons.

Now you can see why I’m excited that we’re having another one! The ones we have are so fun!!!

The Birthday Boy

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO JUDD! Our youngest boy turned one today. It was a great day with just the family hanging out.

Stephanie made two cakes- one for Judd to destroy and one for us to eat. He got plenty of presents, but most of all he loved the big box his basketball goal came in (thanks Papa Wayne)!

It’s hard to believe that the baby is really no longer a baby. BUT…it won’t be long until we have another baby. April is just around the corner and another Perdue will be introduced to the world!