While this will not even come close to being a comprehensive review of the GBC Annual Meeting or the state of the Georgia Baptist Convention as a whole, I thought I would share a few thoughts about our recent meeting. We just hosted the GBC Annual Meeting at the church where I pastor. While it is indeed a daunting task, I believe things went pretty well. Here are a few thoughts that popped into my head while attending this meeting.
In God We Trust
The Bible says in Proverbs 14:34, “Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people.” I’ve been contemplating this verse lately based on the outcome of our most recent elections. Here are a few thoughts…
To Vote or Not to Vote – There Is No Question
Have you become disillusioned with politics? Have you been frustrated with the process? Have you grown angry with congress or those in authority? I get it – politics is a nasty game that often leads to lies and personal destruction. Did you watch any of this debates this political season? Have you seen any political ads?
The nature of these campaigns may lead you to question whether or not you’ll participate in the political process. But remember, when it comes to exercising your right to vote, you should always participate. To vote or not to vote – there is no question.
I know it’s easy to become cynical about government. You see one party in charge and it leads to corruption. Then the other party takes over and it ends in corruption. Fight that cynicism. This is not a political issue or a national issue, but a spiritual issue. This is an issue of stewardship; one person, one vote on this one day (or on other days before the election thanks to early voting).
Go vote! Don’t stay at home, don’t forget, don’t shirk your responsibility, don’t get mad and sit out. People fought and died for your right to push a button, choose the congress and president. Go vote! It’s not just your right; it’s your responsibility.
How to Vote
This year’s election is one of the most highly contested I can remember. The race is close, the time is short, the electorate is divided, and the stakes are high. At the risk of being too “political” on this blog, I want to devote this post to dealing with how Christians should vote.
Everyone uses some type of criteria to determine how to vote. My question is this “What criteria should a Christian use in determining who we should vote for?” In other words, “How should I vote?” Great question. And today on this blog I’m going to tell you how to vote. Not who to vote for…but how to vote. There’s a difference!
Many people struggle with whom to vote for. They look at all the issues, examine all the speeches, listen to all the pundits and walk away even more confused. I want to challenge you with one simple thing, don’t vote for a party, vote for a person. And when you vote for a person, examine their values, their beliefs and their core principles.
Here’s a simple grid I’ve put together that helps me when I’m trying to determine how to vote.
Five Characteristics of a Faithful Believer
October is Pastor Appreciation Month – a time for church folks to let their staff and pastors know how much they’re appreciated. I’m grateful for this time and thank all those who express their appreciation to all the pastors out there. Believe me, we are incredibly grateful.
But do you know what pastors want more than cards, cash, gifts, letters, and words of appreciation? They want you to be faithful. That’s right, the best gift a pastor can ever receive is a faithful church member and believer.
If that’s what a pastor loves to see, I guess it’s important to answer the question, what does it mean to be a faithful believer? Of course, this list covers members and pastors alike. Here are five characteristics of a faithful believer. Continue reading
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