I’m doing a series on the blog in Romans 8 called, Five Words That Can Change Your Life. Five words that provide five themes for Romans 8: freed (1-8), empowered (9-11), adopted (12-17), transformed (18-30), and loved (31-39).
Today, we will talk about the word, Transformed from Romans 8:18-30. When Jesus Christ takes up residence in your life, you cannot and will not be the same. Your life will be radically changed – transformed.

One of the best ways to know that you are truly a child of God is by asking the question, “Has my life been transformed?” You may be able to “turn over a new leaf” without God. You might can make some improvements, additions and renovations. But when you come to Christ, there is an internal transformation that cannot be denied! If you say you’ve met God and have never experienced transformation either God is a liar or you are. I’m betting it’s you!
What does Romans 8 teach us about being transformed? Here are four ways your life can be transformed by the power of God.
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